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Evacuation Plans
Evacuation Plans As an employer, manager or ‘responsible person’ it’s your job to make sure your place of work has a clear evacuation plan in place and that everyone knows what it is. Not only must you have a plan in place, but your place of work must meet certain requirements by law. These requirements […]

Making sure your staff know the plan
Making sure your staff know the plan As the ‘responsible person’ for your business it’s your job to make sure that staff know exactly how to deal with an emergency. That means that they’re all aware of the risks and dangers associated with their work environment and they all know what to do should the […]

Know Your Fire Extinguishers!
Know Your Fire Extinguishers! There are several different types of fire extinguisher. Using the correct one is a critical part of fire safety. Basically there are three types: Carbon Dioxide, Foam and Powder. Would you know which one to use and when? Carbon dioxide Fire Extinguishers Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers are suitable for electrical fires […]

Who’s responsible for your fire safety?
Who’s responsible for your fire safety? If you’re an employer, a business owner, a landlord or facilities manager then you are directly responsible for the fire safety of that property and as such you have certain duties you must fulfil. It’s your job to carry out a fire risk assessment, to make sure that staff […]